How do you describe your job when you meet people at a party?
I am an inventor implementing novel technology in the energy industries. I basically patent things and do the fundamental research by sponsoring universities. I implement my inventions with major oil companies. I have a joint venture with Shell who’s doing all of my projects, but I’ve worked for all the big oil companies in the past (Mobile etc.) Not all my patents are energy-related however. I’ve just started on one that is related to diabetes, and when I was university I worked on the kinematics of the shoulder joint
What is ‘cutting-edge’ about your work?
I’ve never done a project twice
What are the biggest implications your work will/could have in the future?
I think we’ll have $30 oil in 2015.
Describe some of the highlights of your average day.
Some inventions I’m proud of: 1. In 1977 I installed a farm single anchor leg mooring in 23 hours…the fastest and cheapest in the North Sea. 2. In the 1970s I patented a product that allowed for motion between the rig and insulation in the North Sea. It opened up production and got applied to 30 fields
Describe briefly how your career has progressed to date.
I got a scholarship for General Motors, but I failed the medical. I ended up working for Burmah Oil, who had a financial crisis. I became an independent consultant in the industry, and have been doing that for almost 37 years. Investment interests my company has includes tar sands development in Peru, buying into plastics to diesel technology, looking at solvent extraction technology for oil shale, buying interests in existing ethanol production, developing proven hydrocarbons in the North Sea and Irish waters, electricity and H2 generation from wave energy and unidirectional currents, and looking at products from algae. I retired in 1991 due to ill health and the business has regenerated itself in spite of me only being able to work 70-80 hours per month
How is your job cross-disciplinary?
I use Maths, Physics and Chemistry as a French chef uses butter and cream i.e. everyday
What’s the most unexpected thing about your job?
I think how easy it is to invent things